This is just an attempt to answer whether we should classify people,
In India, we have 4 classifications as per Bhagwad Gita, the Song Celestial,
1. Brahman - One who is educated about Vedas and who performs Holy rituals
2. Kshatriya - One who is educated from a Guru and who saves ppl from enemies by waging wars
3. Vaishyas - One who does Business
4. Soodras - One who serves the above three sects of people
I still remember, My tenth Standard Tuittion Master Mr. Sowmya Narayanan, (Nick Name: Bhairavan sir) told, one man can belong to three sects, if he performed these duties at different times of the day. This classification was according to the jobs they did and not to the family, where they were born.
Director Shasi Kumar (Naadodigal) asks us in Aananda Vikatan, If u ask who were ur ancestors, how many of these ppl will know who were their ancesstors, i.e the Family Tree.
Neeya Naana Gopinath got absolutely angry about one girl in the show, when that girl told that "I think, I am blessed, that, I was born in an Orthodox Iyengar Family" I just cant stop laughing at Gopinath for getting angry.
My question to Gopinath is " If ur family is accustomed to certain disciplines for the Past 50 years or for a century, wud u think u wud forego it easily", No,
Discipline, I have watched Brahmins having certain Disciplines like doing Sandhya Vandanam, Gayathri Japam, reciting Vedas, doing swa adhyayam, observing fasts, celebrating festivals, performing cooking, ya cooking - they do the cooking believing that it should be consumed by God, so we shd not even smell it. These Disciplines are passed from their Mothers and Fathers, their Grand Parents. These are knowledge that is passed. There are Table Manners too. The Girl is right in saying that she is blessed. Bcos she gets these knowledge easily, where as an other sect girl, has to attain certain age to understand these disciplines, bcos she is not exposed to these type of disciplines by her father and mother. Her Parents will not know these disciplines, for eg., eating, which item should be eaten first, how to eat, whats the combination. There are certain types of specific knowledge, that is attached to these castes.
Pattai Adikkaradhu, we can make fun of it, but which fingers should be used, how to apply, which direction we should face when we apply it, all these can be learnt only from ur father or a Guru.
Classification - Why - I got an answer from Inside, that is, One that tells from Inside us, it is telling - Only If I know, to whom u were born, and to what caste u were born, I can sketch ur characters, like u r a Libran, then u r a balanced person, like a Thanjavur doll, not losing its balance as it is always in its equilibrium, The God inside u, will be able to forgive ur mistakes, bcos the knowledge u possess depends upon the caste u were born. I am not here to talk about Exceptions. Yes, the knowledge u possess depends upon the caste u were born. Jaathi antha Budhi, Kulam antha AAcharam! There is nothing wrong, we should not take this as Abusement. It is for saving a Person.
How casteism saves a person, My father always has quoted one Dharma RAja story to me,
One case comes to Raaja, One Mistake or Error done by 4 types of PPl, that is Brahmana, Kshathriya, Vaishya and Soodra, Dharma Raja, has to give judgement to these ppl, Same Mistake, but 4 kinds of People, Dharma Raja said, Bcos of the Vedic Knowledge they possess Brahmans and Kshathriyas cannot plead ignorance for their mistakes, give them 10 Whip beatings and Penalise the Vaishya,that is collect penalty and release vaishya and for Soodra, he can be educated about the wrong he did, so that he doesnt do that again and release him as such, as he is innocent.
Yes, Casteism saves a person, bcos Jaathiyantha Budhi, Kulam antha Aacharam!
U can inculcate certain discipline to urself, but there are certain disciplines that comes to u bcos u were born to certain type of People. Ur parents, like If ur mother is a good cook, her small small tips to u, which u learn from her from childhood will make u The Best Cook in ur family. U can say I can always learn, I dont deny, but the thing is u take efforts to find out the Guru, where as Mother is there with u from ur childhood.
Casteism, i.e., Discrimination is for saving people not for degrading them. Your Ignorance is always forgivable, but with certain conditions. Men and Women should be allowed to repent and become good. But for that, a Murderer cannot be forgiven. Some ppl ask is Death Sentence should be given at all, Controversial Topic, Mine is, Depends upon the Situation, that is Facts of the Case.
How many Classifications we do have in Humans
1. Humans or other creatures like birds, animals
2. Male or Female or Transgender
3. Country like Asian, African, Australian, etc.
4. Within Asia, South North - East- West
5. By color of the skin
6. By the family
7. By the Education we possess
8. By the School of thought
9. By the Religion
10. By the Caste
11. By Date and Time of Birth - Your Horoscope
12. By ur Habits - like Left Hander or Right Hander
It goes on, It is said in Sai Sath Charithram that there are 84 Lakh of Species / Creatures in this world.
Emotions, makes us Human, Attitude makes us Heroes.
My Thought is not further processing, so I stop here. Classification and Discrimination was done only for Saving People and culturing them, Not for denying their rights and wishes.
In the Beginning of My thoughts about Casteism, I was thinking Only India Has got Casteism, But when I studied the Books of Jeffrey Archer and Lee Iacococca and Kim woo chung, I cud see that Casteism, is there that too, too much of Casteism is there in English, Russia, Australia, America and Korea Ppl. Even in Christianity and Muslim religions there are umpty No. of Castes. Intersects and further intersections within their religions and within their communities. India, was said to be ruled by the Factor "Divide and Rule" I think it can be applied to other countries too, if they are divided into sects, Jews being killed by Nazists, Black ppl killed by Australian Whites, Red Indians killed by others, Oh, I understood, Casteism is a Universal Factor. Not that, Only In India, Castes are there. India is far better than Other countries in Discrimination. As far as India is Concerned, Castiesm has been to understand each other, to understand and respect their beliefs, to be cultured and to live a Disciplined Life.
In Army Language, it is to Bring Unity in the People,
The Groupism should be to use the People in theis Best Possible areas and bring them to a Cultured and Prosperous Life.
26.10.2011 / 7.55 pm