Saturday, October 1, 2011

The Reason behind my Title" Being a Human"

A small story behind the title "Being a Human"

One Marketing Person from Aptech India came to our SDNB Vaishnav College for giving a Lecture, He was an young man, may be, in his late 20s or starting 30s, handsome with a moustache and a rowdy like mole, he just talked about the job market available for Bcom students, and how they should equip themselves with Computer knowledge certificates, he really made an impact on me.  He was a forceful speaker, he is some one.  I asked him,"Sir, I have an aim of becoming a Chartered Accountant, what should i do?"  Within a second, he answered me, " Just make it ur central Thought, Think nothing but that goal"  I am grateful to him till now and will be forever, bcos I followed what he said, and now I am a CA.

Ok, Let me tell the Human being story.  This same Person, in particular this Sales Man of Aptech Compute,r just put forth a question to our I year students, Tell me "What is your Goal?"  I am always used to answering first, atleast in the first five, and I stood up and addressed him as sir and told "Sir, I want to become a good Human Being"  He just gave me  A BANG ANSWER " U R NEVER GOING TO BE SUCCESSFUL, JUST SIT DOWN" AND  I was so upset and worried, what did I say, is there anything wrong in saying so, I AGAIN STOOD UP AND ASKED " SIR, WHY"

I asked :   :    "Sir, Why?"

That Hero gave me the answer " First have a Goal, to be a Human, you should become something in Society, you shd have a Status in Society, Achieve the Goal and then, ie., after becoming Some one Laudable by the Society, then Show the Society your Humanness, Being Someone Great, Someone adorable and Some one who has made an Achievement is very important  to be a Good Human Being"

I just planted this Thought Seed in my Mind, deep into my heart, and now I am here standing before u ppl and saying aloud that Achievement definitely makes us a Good Human Being, a Better Human Being.

Thank u Sir, I wud better call u Hero sir, Thank u for ur advice and Josh u implanted in us.

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